Saturday, July 26, 2008

Week Four - Thing #9

Overwhelmed would accurately describe how I feel after using the search tools to find feeds. I truly had no idea there were so many blogs out on the www. I enjoyed searching the "edublog" award-winning blogs and school library blogs. There were several I added to my Bloglines account so I can follow them. One I enjoyed was "Cathy Nelson's Professional Thoughts" She blogged about a neat application using a webcam.
Leon Hale, columnist for the Houston Chronicle has a blog: which contains interesting technology information.
Jessamyn West's blog has an interesting blog about google books for special ed students.

I tried to use Blog Pulse but I was unsuccessful. The other search tools were nice but Bloglines does a good job of searching as well. Perhaps Hurricane Dolly's visit to my house pealing back part of my roof and causing the ceiling in my dining room to collapse has more to do with my feeling overwhelmed than this assignment. I will come back to this assignment later and use the search tools when I am not feeling so pressured. It's good to have these listed in the assignment for future use. I hope the site stays up for a while after the course is completed.
(We are okay. All the furniture was moved before the collapse and we now have a temporary roof in place until we can get the roof repaired. There are people whose homes flooded and people who still don't have electricity. My problems are small compared to theirs.)


Cathy Jo Nelson said...

Thanks for linking to my blog. I am enjoying the maintaining of it immensely. One of your woes (Slight compared the Hurricane issues) was that it was hard to find blogs to read. I will tell you how I developed my reader (I use Google Reader by the way, though I used to use Bloglines). One I had a some, I realized it would be a chore to find others. I used Technorati to see if I could find some, as well as the award nominees from Edublogs. But I found the absolute BEST source for finding voices that echoed my feelings in the blogosphere was to look at the blogs I follow and see what was in their "blogroll." Come back to my blog and see who I follow. I follow way more than what is listed, but these are the ones I frequently and highly recommend to newbies--people new to all this. Of course I have also listed to some SC folks, but that list is separate. Actually my blogroll is grouped by types, so you'll easily find new ones. I include my favorites who really stretch my thinking, library people, and then SC People (my home state.) I also have a post somewhere back in April or May that is for folks looking for blogs to read--one post for slms's and one for administrators. Yes, I even read administrative oriented blogs. Good luck in finding more to read. Ive been doing this for almost 2 years, and I can't believe the amount of information I have used or learned just because I participate in this thing called the blogosphere.

ESC1 said...

I am sorry to hear about the damage to your house from Hurricane Dolly. We were lucky that we did not have any damage at all, except for a very small pile of debris from the trees in the yard.