Thursday, July 31, 2008

Week Six - Thing # 14

As part of this week's discovery, I went to Technorati. I had a difficult time doing a key word search in Blog posts, in tags, and in the Blog directory. I could only find the Blog directory and a general search box at the top of the page. I watched the tutorial but it was small and the speaker went very quickly over the information without showing the entire page that she was talking about. The tutorial did not even match the home page I was looking at. In short, I was underwhelmed by Technorati. It would not be a tool that I would use. I set up an account thinking that would take me to a more user-friendly page, but that wasn't the case. I couldn't even find where to end my membership. I would not use this in the library.
As far as tagging, it is useful for finding items that have the tags you are looking for, but if a blog hasn't been tagged it won't be easy to find with a tag search. Tags are general tools to help with searches but the librarian in me says the casualness of the structure of the tagging is going to become a problem at some time in the near future.

1 comment:

ESC1 said...

I like Technorati for finding out about the top searches and most sought after information for the day.